In light of the COVID-19 pandemic we are implementing strict policies to ensure our best effort in maintaining safety while delivering essential healthcare services. Protecting the health and wellbeing of our staff and clients is of the utmost importance to us. Thank you for your patience and cooperation during these unprecedented times.
We are asking clients to arrive at least 5 minutes early for your scheduled session and call the office (not just your therapist) when you are physically present at the agency. A staff member will either ask you to come in or wait a few minutes in your vehicle until they or your therapist can come out to escort you. If you are not able to wait in your vehicle please inform the staff member who answers the phone and they will find an alternate place indoors that they will guide you to.
As mandated by the Governor of New Mexico, we are asking all staff and clients to wear a face mask/covering when entering our agency. If you have concerns related to such please inform a staff member prior to coming in for your appointment.
Your therapist will share with you the added precautions that our agency is taking during this time.
When at our agency please observe 6 feet between yourself and other staff and clients whenever possible. Clients will not physically “sign in”. Office staff will check you in.
Reminder calls for client appointments will now include our staff asking screener questions: Do you have a temperature of 100.4o F or higher? Have you taken any fever reducing medication within the past 24 hours? Are you experiencing any coughing and/or shortness of breath? If any of these inquiries are answered in the affirmative then the client will be asked to stay home, engage in telehealth services, and consider being tested for COVID-19.
There will be a room made available for clients with technology set up for telehealth sessions if the client does not have access to such and their therapist is working remotely.
We greatly value the health and safety of all of our staff and clients; however, we want to take even further precautions when it comes to individuals that belong to high-risk populations. For individuals who are considered high-risk and for those who request preventative measures beyond our already increased precautions the following is recommended:
If you feel you may have been exposed to, or have tested positive for COVID-19 and have been physically present at one of our agency sites please report such to the Executive and/or Clinical director at 575-523-2288. We will take measures to protect our staff and clients while maintaining your confidentiality.
Please follow up with your healthcare provider for medical advice. You can also call the New Mexico Coronavirus Hotline at 1-855-600-3453.
Additionally, if you have any questions or concerns about our newly implemented practices please consult with your therapist, front office staff, the Executive, or Clinical Director.